Masson eui Comunos

The House of Commons, or the Masson eui Comunos, is the primary chamber of the Imperial Parliament. With origins rooting back nearly a decade, the House of Commons in its original form can be easily traced back half a decade when Consteynnos IX bestowed the Charter of the Imperial Parliament to Sarovians, which guides the procedures, rules and powers of the Parliament and specifically the House of Commons.

Like the Upper Chamber, the Assembly of Peers or Assembelle eui Nobressos, the House of Commons meets in Sarholm, New Sarovia. As an elected body of currently nineteen members known as Mebros eui Parlarmente or Members of Parliament, the House of Commons works towards running the country in a democratic manner.

MP pur Vurgos 1
Onn. Roberte Braganza

MP pur Kiba
Onn. Ricaros Avietos

MP pur Sarvium
Onn. Iosefe Atlas

MP pur Saintos-Consteynnos
Onn. Micaile Permars (Falarizo)

MP pur Cuive Osto
Onn. Bartelme Atlas

MP pur Cuive Esto
Onn. Chostofe Braganza

MP pur Nira
Onn. Alessara Lyon

MP pur Macule eui Nafetia
Onn. Rora Permars

MP pur Preuze Norda
Onn. Agustus Lyon

MP pur Karlstadt
Onn. Raefe Manalo

MP pur Vurgos 2
Onn. Baidera Lyon

MP pur Preuze Su
Onn. Opalia Manalo

MP pur Modisa
Onn. Pios Lyon

MP pur Francia
Onn. Magnus Modisa

MP pur Nafetia
T. Onn. Iafaros tel-Assalle

MP pur Porda Victoria
Onn. Sagella tel-Assalle

MP pur Cavo Brianna
Onn. Lanisa tel-Assalle

MP pur Sarholm Pono
T. Onn. Albaros Vasa

MP pur Scotia
Onn. Ofela tel-Assalle