Gouverna Imperial

Masson eui Comunos

As the chamber that represents the will of the everyday Sarovian people, the House of Commons is the starting place for many laws, policies and motions.

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Assembelle eui Nobressos

Representing the ancient and storied families throughout Sarovian history, the Assembly of Peers offers a sober and well-educated second opinion.

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Conseili Prevato

As the primary wielders of the Rozirre’s will and authority, His Imperial Majesty’s Privy Council and its Ministers represent the Sovereign in Government.

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Parliamentary Sessions


Acts of Parliament


MPs and Civil Servants


Commonwealth Members

tel Parlarmente Imperial


Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

Together, the House of Commons and the Assembly of Peers reach consensus daily, delivering the best results for Sarovians across the wider Empire. These two chambers create the Imperial Parliament. The Imperial Parliament, alongside members of the Cabeno or Cabinet and of course, the Sovereign, create laws for the betterment of Sarovia.

Legennos do Parlarmente

Laws that are passed by the House of Commons and the Assembly of Peers are known as Acts of Parliament, and are the most common type of law.

Acts of Parliament →


The Prime Minister alongside other Ministers can exercise the powers of the Sovereign to craft policies with the force of law, known as RDCs.

Lettaros Uvir

The Sovereign may issue letters patent or edicts that create positions or institutions, or grant honours such as noble titles and coats of arms.

Letters Patent →

Ordennos Imperial

The Imperial Federation as the council governing all culturally Sarovian states can issue imperial ordinances which become law in all member states.

Imperial Ordinances →

While the Sovereign possesses all of the powers of state, the Clemmeno Escuvo (Executive Committee) of the Privy Council, or the Cabinet, wields His authority. The members of the Cabinet are known as Ministoros.

At the root of everything is the Sovereign – Carolus XIII. As the King of the Sarovians and the Emperor of the Sarovian Commonwealth, Carolus XIII wields constitutional authority, performing a variety of official state and ceremonial duties and keeping Sarovia and the Commonwealth free and active.

tel Ministos


Ministries and Departments

The Cabeno or Cabinet leads the Civil Service, which in turn manages and operates over ten different Ministries, each with their own jurisdiction, policies and details.


The Ministry of Defence is responsible for the safety of the Empire and the management of the Imperial Sarovian Army and the Imperial Sarovian Navy.


The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the economic wellbeing of the Empire, including trade, currency exchanges, salary and more.

Fasitios Etasora

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles all diplomacy with recognised sovereign states outside of the Sarovian Commonwealth.


The Ministry of Justice is responsible for the application of the law and upholding the statutes established by the Imperial Parliament.

Fasitios Comerronna

The Ministry of Colonial and Commonwealth Affairs is responsible for diplomacy with unrecognised nations and Sarovian Commonwealth Member states.


The Minister for the Provinces is responsible for ensuring co-operation between the Sarovian provinces of Vurgos, Preuze, Preuze Tella and Cuive.


The Ministry of Education is responsible for the application of training standards to all civilian and military educational institutions, such as universities.


The Ministry of Culture is the primary patron of Sarovian arts, including music, paintings, writing and videos, as well as recording and upholding Sarovian traditions.


The Ministry of Services is responsible for the management of the Sarovian bureaucracy and the manager of the Imperial Civil Service.


The Ministry of Development is responsible for the construction of new buildings and property, as well as their regulations, sale and development.