Colony of Metternau

The Colony of Metternau (Sarovian: Comerra Metternau) is a Sarovian possession located on the Continent of Orios, east of the Sarovian homeland and southeast of the Dominion of Philippia. Once a sovereign Dominion of the Sarovian Crown, Metternau has since been delegated back to a status of Crown Colony, with all local authority existing at the whim and pleasure of the Colonial and Commonwealth Secretary (Sarovian: Sacretelle Comerra y Comune).

Metternau is led by a Colonial Council, which consists of an upper house known as the Board of Governors and a lower house known as the Legislative Assembly. These legislative chambers exist at the pleasure of the Colonial Secretary and the Rozirre, Carolus XIII Vasa. Led by a Colonial Governor appointed by Sarholm, Metternau is on track to growing faster than it ever did as a Dominion, further cementing Sarovian authority across the world.

To learn more or to immigrate to Metternau, click here.