The Dominion of Carolusburg and Aurea, also known simply as the Dominion of Carolusburg (Sarovian: Pesitpais eui Carolusburg y Aurea) is a country that occupies much of the Continent of Ostos and extends from the entire South Island to parts of the North Island from Ostos. The Dominion borders its parent nation: the New Sarovian Empire and Her Colonies and Dominions. It is the second largest country in the Graalian world, second only to its closest ally: the New Sarovian Empire.
Carolusburg is a federation composed of nine provinces and three territories, a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with the Royo y Imperad Carolus II Vasa as head of state — a symbol of the Dominion of Carolusburg’s historic ties to the New Sarovian Empire — with the government led by a Prime Minister.
It is a multicultural country possessing traces of its Aurean and Sarovian ethnicities. One of the most developed countries in the world, Carolusburg has a diverse economy, dependent on its abundant natural resources and trade.