The Prime Minister of the New Sarovian Empire (Primo Ministoro eui Impir Saroviano Rechae) is the first minister of the Crown. The Prime Minister acts as the head of government for the New Sarovian Empire and chairs and selects the Cabinet. Accordingly, the Prime Minister holds executive power over New Sarovia with the permission of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, as per the Constitution. As the Prime Minister holds their office by virtue of their ability to control the House of Commons, they are the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons, though they do not need to hold a seat themself.
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Tel Tella Onneurpono D. ALBAROS VASA, VISARLE LORVALLE is the 23rd Prime Minister of the New Sarovian Empire. Most recently elected as a Member of Parliament in July of 2024, Lord Lorvalle entered politics serving directly under his cousin, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, as Director (or in High Sarovian, Rosecuizo) of the Crown Intelligence and Security Agency (CISA). After resigning in early June of 2024 to take a break from Sarovia, he returned a month later with a renewed vigor and desire to get involved. He promptly began building a new political party, Tel Defenasaca (High Sarovian for The Defense), a statist conservative party with which he quickly subsumed the Hats Party, uniting the conservative opposition to the then-Labour Party government. He then went on to defeat the Labour Party in the next general election, ending 8 months of socialist rule. Lord Lorvalle’s administration has since rapidly improved the sophistication of Sarovian governance including such methods as the Life and Death Act, the Prestige System, and passing the most laws of any government in Sarovian history by a wide margin.
You can reach the Prime Minister at the following address:
@lordlorvalle (Discord)